2016 Klondike Derby

Wow would have never guessed that the scouts representing Troop 888 at the 2016 Founders District Klondike Derby would have won 2nd place! On February 20th, 2016 the men of Troop 888 woke up early to travel to Humboldt Park and take on the challenges set forth by the gold rush themed muddy and 50 degree Klondike Derby. (For those who don't know Klondike derby's are usually in the snow and thus the purpose for a sled normally.) Although the scouts had only had one 2 hour meeting's worth of preperation for this event, which little of that meeting had actually been spent practicing skills for this event, they managed to STRIKE IT RICH and bring home the 2nd place trophy of their very own gold pan and the collected "gold" from their events at the derby. Great job gentlemen! The Webelos Scouts of Pack 3888 also entered their own sled and den into the event but came up short of placing in the top three, the cubs had a load of fun preparing and building their sled and even more fun at the derby, although they did not walk away with bragging rights they did find a fair amount of gold while panning around the events at Humboldt Park and brought home their "gold" with them. Thanks for coming out!

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